Utah Half Run by skaas at Garmin Connect - Details
I was most pleased with my run performance. I was upset with my swim time, I hit my bike prediction right on, but I didn't know how the run would go. I ignored my Garmin for the first mile, until it buzzed at me with my time. I then tried to keep my HR under 155. I knew I could run the whole race over 160bpm, but I wanted to save some for the end. I had a thermo tab every 3 miles and a gel every mile after. At every aid station I drank a cup or 2 of water and poured a cup on my head. I had the people with the hose soak me every time I saw them. My shoes didn't get really wet until the last 3 miles. It was fun to see all of the guys every 20 minutes. I didn't catch up to Nathan until about mile 3 or 4, but I knew that even when I caught up to him that he was still 9 minutes ahead of me. I felt great the whole run. My feet were getting sore at the end, but nothing too bad. I wonder if I could have ran harder the whole race...but that will be something to think about. I was upset that I wasn't able to finish the race in under 6 hours, but I was at 5:58 when I hit 13.1 on the run, but the run was 13.6 miles for some strange reason. I ran about 10 minutes faster than expected. Overall this was a great race for me. I took about 30 minutes off of last year's time and this course as about .3 miles long on the swim, 3 miles longer on the ride, and .7 miles longer on the run.
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