Saturday, July 14, 2012

34.42 miles, My Worst Ride Ever

Today we left at 130 or so.  It was already too hot for me.  We rode pretty quick for the first 15 miles, then I started to feel bad.  I started to feel sick to my stomach, light headed, and began to get very cold, even though it was still hot.  About mile 23 or so it got real bad.  I had to stop at one point and just wait until my heart rate settled down.  Matt rode back the last few miles with me, and Nathan picked me up in my truck a few miles from Stephens house.  I always thought I was a good athlete, but today was probably the most embarrassed I have been in a long time.  It sucked. 

Two good notes.  1st---My cadence was the highest average I have ever maintained (I think that is good anyways) and 2nd--- After eating dinner and re-hydrating a bit, I weighed myself and was at 219.8 (The first time in recent memory I have been under 220).  Now I just gotta go back to work and start lifting again, because being skinny aint gonna do nothing for me.

 Horrible Ride

1 comment:

  1. E-dog- I can send you some great articles all about how being skinny is going to do more for you than most of your training. Good job being under 220 and with the ride. Somedays just suck and there is nothing you can do about it.
